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** My Resume
Judy (Xiaoyu) Tan
Houston, TX 77036
Tel: (713)748-7948 (H), (281)397-6046 (O)
Fax: (713)776-8293
E-mail: [email protected]

Seeking a challenging position in the field of computer science where I can contribute my programming and analysis skills and extend my computing knowledge.

Language: Visual C++ 6.0, Visual BASIC 5.0, C/C++
Web Design: ASP, VBScript, JAVAScript, HTML
Database: MS SQL/Server6.5, Oracle 7.3/8i, Access97.
Database Tools: DAO, RDO, ADO, Active Designer User Connection.
Operating System: Windows NT, Windows 95, UNIX.
Application Frameworks: MFC, COM(ATL), DCOM(ATL), ActiveX(VB).

Alliance Data Corperation
  • Application Developer. Completed a Settlement System Project for a Clearinghouse Association in a client/server environment. Visual BASIC 5.0 was used for front-end application; Microsoft SQL/Server 6.5 was employed for the back-end database, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe5.0 handled source code management. This system is able to operate as a single system for all locations and is resident in the central city. I implemented processes of archival/reloading of data, dial up networking to the central server, outgoing report processing using RAS APIs and WIN32 APIs, and different forms and class modules for both server side and client side projects.
  • Development of an ongoing administration project for the Compaq using Visual BASIC 5.0 and Oracle (SQL Plus3.3).
  • Designing and developing an on line banking package for Banks Using ActiveX, ASP, VBScript, JAVAScript, HTML. Using Microsoft SQL/Server 6.5 as the back-end database
  • Designing and developing a file distributing system using Visual C++, and Visual BASIC 5.0 to allow to distribute files in 26 languages for Compaq Corp. without installing files on the target machine. This system detects the regional setting of the target machine and selects a language accordingly. It also provides the file writing group convenient functions to test its file design.

    08/97-present M.S. in Computer Science,
    University of Houston, Texas.
            Major GPA: 3.7
            Expected data of graduation: Fall' 1999.
    08/95-08/97 M.S. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Houston, Texas.

  • Designing and developing a web Geophysics application Using Visual C++6.0, COM (ATL), XML. This application interprets seismic data graphically and distributes the images that are created in real time over the Internet and Intranets. This project will allow users interactive manipulation of data sitting on the server side from a client machine through an Internet browser.
  • Developed a school administration system in Visual Basic 5.0. This system helps users in a university to enter and retrieve their personal/academic information and supports assigned privileges at different access levels. Microsoft Access97 was used as the backend database. I was involved in the capacity of Software Architect with responsibilities for the database design, module breakdown, module distribution, coding, integration and testing.
  • Simulated a real estate service system using C++ on MS VisualStudio6.0. This system has three components including company processes (member maintenance, report generating), member agency processes (matching process, business maintenance, contract maintenance) and security. Object-Oriented design technology was used in this project. I was involved as a Group Leader. Responsibilities include project proposal, design, coding, integration and testing.
  • Simulated a multi-tier banking service system using Visual C++6.0. COM (MFC) Technology is used in this project to increase the reusability and compatibility of the code to allow programmatic communication across program boundaries and between different languages (through Automation). The COM component supports account management, transaction, and customer information interfaces. The front-end clients were implemented in Visual BASIC5.0, Visual C++6.0 and Excel.

    Public speaking, a member of the Toastmaster, International
    A member of the Association of American Chinese Computer Professionals.